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Umpire Training Course - January/February 2024
Level 1. Sunday 28th January - 09:30 - 16:30
Level 2. Sunday 4th February - 09:30 - 16:30
Areas that will be covered over those days (6hrs):-
Persons interested should contact Alan Neill by phone (07745814032) or by email
There is no limit on numbers but realistically 12-14 is the most manageable number, so don`t leave it late to register.
Cost will be £40 for each course (£20 under 16)
Level 2. Sunday 4th February - 09:30 - 16:30
Areas that will be covered over those days (6hrs):-
- Planning and preparation.
- Duties prior to call of play.
- Batsman`s ground.
- Dismissals
- Spirit of Cricket.
- Fair and unfair play.
- Concluding the match.
Persons interested should contact Alan Neill by phone (07745814032) or by email
There is no limit on numbers but realistically 12-14 is the most manageable number, so don`t leave it late to register.
Cost will be £40 for each course (£20 under 16)