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Scorers in the NCU
Helen McConaghy who scores for Instonians is a member of the NIACUS Executive Committee. Murray Power has scored over 300 times for Ireland - including the Test Match against Zimbabwe in July 2024.
In 2024 there were five NIACUS scorers on the Cricket Ireland Scorers Panel.
David Irvine who scores for Cregagh was one of the three contracted CI scorers in 2024
Cricket matches need someone to keep the score.
There are scorer courses for those just starting out or those who aspire to score at higher levels.
" Beginner course
" Level 1 course for club scorers
" Level 2 is for representative scorers and involves linear scoring, NV play and multi day scoring
" Level 3 is for those scorers who aspire to score at International matches
Contact the NIACUS Secretary for more information.