Northern Ireland Association of Cricket Umpires and Scorers

About Us


Constitution approved at Special General Meeting 7-1-1995

Amended at Annual General Meeting 4-10-1997

Further Amended at Annual General Meeting 3-10-1998

Further Amended at Annual General Meeting 7-10-2000

Further amended at Annual General Meeting 14-10-2015

  • 1. Title
    The Association shall be known as "The Northern Ireland Association of Cricket Umpires and Scorers".

  • 2. Objectives


    The objectives of the Association shall be:-


    (a) To encourage interest in Cricket Umpiring and Scoring and to improve the standards of both;


    (b) To assist in the promotion of a sound knowledge of the Laws of Cricket amongst Cricket Umpires, Scorers, Players and other interested persons;


    (c) To undertake responsibility for the appointment of Umpires to such games as the Northern Cricket Union and other governing bodies of Cricket may require;


    (d) To consider and act as appropriate in relation to reports made on the performance of Cricket Umpires;


    (e) To represent the interests of members as appropriate;


    (f)  To be a non-profit making Association.

  • 3. Membership

    Membership shall be open to Cricket Umpires, Scorers and all persons with an interest in Cricket Umpiring and Scoring. Prospective members must be proposed and seconded by a current member of the Association. Membership will only be confirmed following approval by the Executive Committee.

    The Annual Fee for Membership shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the Annual General Meeting. Only fully paid-up members shall be eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting.

    Scorers, since they are appointed by Clubs, are exempt from fees.

    On the recommendation of the Executive Committee, the Annual General Meeting may elect to Honorary Life Membership of the Association, any person thought worthy of the distinction. Honorary Life Members shall be eligible to take part and vote at the Annual General Meeting and other meetings.

  • 4. Annual General Meeting

    The Annual General Meeting shall be held in October of each year. Fourteen days notice shall be given by the Honorary Secretary. Ten members shall constitute a quorum.

    The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include:-

    • The election of the President and Vice-Presidents
    • The election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Representative to NCU Executive Committee, Umpires Appointments Secretary and at least three other members of the Executive Committee, the appointment of an Honorary Auditor.

    Reports and audited accounts shall be presented by the appropriate officers. A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Executive Committee within 28 days of receipt of a request for such a meeting, signed by at least ten members. Business at such a meeting shall be restricted to the items and amendments for which the meeting was requisitioned.

    The Constitution may only be changed at an Annual General Meeting and by the consent of a majority of members present and voting. Notice of any proposed change to the Constitution must be sent to the Honorary Secretary, to be received by him not later than 1st. September may be included in the Agenda for the Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting may delegate to the Executive Committee any matters which are not fully dealt with and resolved at the Annual General Meeting.

  • 5. Ordinary Meetings

    The members of the Association shall meet for the Annual General Meeting and on at least three further occasions during the close season. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairman, or following a written request from at least ten members.

  • 6. Officers of the Association

    The Officers of the Association shall be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.

  • 7. Executive Committee

    The Management of the Association shall be controlled by the Executive Committee consisting of the Officers, Representative to NCU Executive Committee, Umpires Appointment Secretary plus at least three members of the Association who shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. The Executive Committee shall meet at the Chairman's discretion, as often as necessary for the transaction for the business of the Association.

    The Executive Committee shall have the power to deal with all matters affecting the management of the Association, including the removal of Members for disciplinary reasons. Its conclusions shall be reported to the next Ordinary Meeting or Annual General Meeting as appropriate.

    After serving his term as Chairman of the Association , the outgoing Chairman may be offered the opportunity to remain as an Ex-officio member of the Executive Committee for a period of two years.

  • 8. Voting

    All business of the Association, at whatever meeting shall be decided by vote of those present and voting. A simple majority shall be sufficient for decision. In the event of an equal vote, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.

  • 9. Child Protection Policy

    The Northern Ireland Association of Cricket Umpires and Scorers (hereafter NIACUS or Association) is committed to a policy of fair play as defined in present legislation. This ensures a practice which protects children from harm. We in the Association accept and recognise our responsibility to develop awareness of the practices which can cause harm to children.

    A copy of the Policy will be entered on the website .