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Unwritten Regs
Unwritten Regs.:----- Attempting to avoid bad behaviour
Are we partially responsible for bad behaviour that may happen later in the game?
Keeping one step ahead !!!!!.Setting yourself up for the day.
(a) Good timing:- at ground
(b) Well dressed
(c) Constant communication with colleague re. team lists, balls, players present, conditions, (under foot and overhead) start time, screens, pitch markings, stump positioning, boundary markings etc.
(d) Communicate to players, groundsman and scorers.
(e) Ensure that both umps are singing from the same regs "hymnsheet".
(a) Dividing responsibilities:- both need to be involved. (players and especially experienced captains sense lack of confidence)
(b) AVOID:-- no team sheets, ( no toss),match balls?
(c) Both, team sheets and match balls could be collected well in advance of the toss.
(d) Are all players present?
(e) Coin? Players often forget this so always carry one.
(f) Ensure, if you have not already done so that the stumps at your end are correct to accept your bails. Don't leave this to the start of the game because if it becomes a struggle it displays a lack of preparation.
(g) Spare bails?
(h) Poor preparation will weaken the "team"
(b) End of over, pitch handover:-- absolutely key to avoiding confrontation.:- Batsmen, Bowlers, Fielders.
(c) talk to all concerned,sympathise (irate bowler)offer advice to batsmen re. running on "pitch",(often a quiet word to his colleague will work wonders) advise fielders on crossing the pitch.
(d) constant observation at all times essential.
(a) When it happens and it will:-
(b) A few quiet chats with good advice:- (end of over and drinks BUT not "in your face" and obvious to all.
(c) You've tried:-
(d) Formal discussion with :- offending player, capt, (if possible) and your colleague. Record incident ,time,stage of game and who were told. This might be at the reporting level so explain what is required, where and when with whom. If not then make it clear that further poor behaviour will result in a report.
(a) Good pre-match preparation
(b) Constant collaboration with colleague
(c) Careful recording of detail of any matters throughout the match,reportable or not.
(d) i.e. Timing of over rates.
(e) Remember you are there to facilitate as well as officiate.
(f) ENJOY.