What We Do



NIACUS runs courses for umpires and scorers during the winter months, in order for members to become qualified and more competent at the job they carry out. These are in addition to our monthly winter meetings.

The format of a weekend course certainly works in Northern Ireland and will be used again next year. Hopefully, we shall also be able to extend this and run a Level 2 course on a different weekend. We have 3 Tutors in Alan Neill, Phil Thompson and Joe Moore.

Umpire Training

Stomont Pavillion,Upp. Newtownards Rd, Belfast

  • Level 1 - Sat/Sun 3/4th March
  • Level 1A - T.B.A.

Please contact Training Officer: Alan Neill to request a place on the course.

Alan: alan.neill@hotmail.co.uk

Tel: Alan - 07745 814032